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Week of the Young Child: Work Together Wednesday


When children build together they explore math and science concepts and develop their social and early literacy skills. Children can use any building material—from a fort of branches on the playground to a block city in the classroom, or a hideaway made from couch pillows at home.

What does Work Together Wednesday look like across our Early Learning programs?


Jersey Day! While supporting their favorite teams with their clothing, our kids worked together to build a city out of blocks, complete with a tower made from different materials. Then the fun part – knocking the tower down!

Midway Learning & Wellness Center, Midway Children’s Center, North Children’s Center

Through collaboration, children learn together and strengthen their social-emotional and gross motor skills. That means … Zumba and obstacle courses! North Children’s Center’s amazing Ms. Corzette created an obstacle course for all classrooms to participate in as part of an “I am moving, I am learning” activity.

At Learning & Wellness Center and North Children’s Center, working together also means creating banners together for Week of the Young Child parades on Friday.