Welcome Monroe Elementary to Metropolitan’s Community Schools family!
James Monroe Elementary School is the newest addition to Metropolitan’s Community Schools program!
Community Schools operate during non-school hours and expand positive choices and opportunities for youth while achieving academic success. Tutoring, homework help, recreation, life skills, cultural opportunities and case management services are included.
Organized by Resource Coordinator Nayade Chota, the program at Monroe Elementary will include classes for morning homework help and afternoon academic enrichment. Nayade shares that our first cycle of programming will include STEM, Knitting, Gardening, and Digital Tools. We will also be facilitating a number of parent programming offerings and are anticipating providing a CPR/First Aid training and ESL courses.
These year-round services are free for Monroe Elementary students.
We’re looking forward to working – and knitting – with our new friends at Monroe Elementary!
Nayade Chota, Resource Coordinator for the Community Schools program at Monroe Elementary